30 packets of ketchup!

This post is my tribute to a scene in Adam Sandler's movie Big Daddy. Ok-not really, but there is a lot of scary similarity. Remember the part where the kid wears what he wants and names himself Frankenstein? Anyway, at lunch one day he is asked what he wants to eat and he yells 30 packets of ketchup! At the time I thought that to be completely disgusting and hilarious...today it is still hilarious but because it has become true! I thought I'd show you Hailey's progression at lunch today.

At first, Hailey dips her chicken politely...

Then she decides to cut out the "extras" and digs her hand into the ketchup and scoops it into her mouth. Who needs to put ketchup on food?

It was gooooood too!

Hey Hailey! What's for lunch???
30 packets of ketchup!

1 comment:

Alli Howe said...

This is OH SO TRUE! Phin loves ketchup on anything- including fruit. It is an amazing condiment.
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