30 + 1! Happy Birthday Chris!

Chris turned 31 yesterday! He somehow had the day off, but we didn't do much during the first part of the day. Last night I invited some friends over for cake and ice-cream to surprise him. I made him a fire truck cake with working lights too! His big gift is a brand new Ruger .380 (gun) from myself and the family. He was so excited about it-so thank you to all of you who pitched in!

Hailey took her first steps alone today!

This girl has been trying and trying to get the courage to go off on her own. Today she has finally started taking steps on her own! Oh-boy I thought keeping up with her now was a challenge! Thought I'd show you what she's been up to.
Helping with laundry
She ate her first cookie and smeared the rest.
Hurricane Hailey strikes again!