3 little words...

You know those days where half way through - you knew you should have just stayed in bed like you wanted to? Well, today is definitely one of them. Maybe it's the rain and cold, but I really wanted to crawl in bed for movies and hot chocolate. Instead, I ventured to Wally World for a few last minute things for our Christmas weekend before leaving for Utah. Hailey and I were there for about an hour and a half, and when I finally got to the check out a lady 2 aisles over tried to get my attention. "Pssst, look down!" I totally figured it would be a disaster with Hailey, but no. Again she pointed to me "look on your leg". In my hurry to get dressed, I had forgotten to take the size sticker off my pants. That's right. I had just announced to everyone in walmart my large size for an hour and a half and no one had said anything until the very end! Needless to say, I tried to laugh it off-it happens, but on a day like today-it was pretty embarrassing. Hailey on the way out, dumped her tub of teddy grahams all over the floor, so the door attendant got a broom and watched me while I had to sweep up the mess, all the while Hailey was screetching for "Teddies!"
I was so ready to get home, feed Hailey and get her down for a nap-mainly so I could take one myself. I knew my patience was getting thin when she threw everything I offered her for lunch ended up on the floor. Finally, I found something she was content to eat and a few minutes later as I was on my last thread and preparing for the horrifying scream that follows her meal, I heard......
"Mommy... All done" A phrase I have been trying to teach her for the past week to use instead of screaming. It was quite possibly the sweetest phrase I had ever heard, and definitely changed my sour attitude. What an angel, I think she knows when I'm on the brink and not to push. Those 3 words made my whole day.

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

They always do something sweet to keep us hanging on by a thread! I hope she will let us take her and give you a break while you're here. Abby is dying to play with a baby girl.