Fill "Er Up!

Alright I was so excited that gas was only $1.93 today that I topped off my full gas tank, filled Chris' truck, and filled every gas can we have, plus bought 2 more. I've had a few people email me about what I thought of the turnout of the election. Well, it's obvious what my feelings are about Obama so here's my thought. He was elected the President of the United States, the leader of the most powerful country in the world. There's nothing I can do now to change that- so like it or not our civil duty is to continue to obey the laws of the land and be a good citizen. However- my thought is BE PREPARED! Be prepared by paying off debt, and having food storage, and enjoy gas at $1.93 because I don't forsee it lasting. I suppose this is why the prophets having been preaching this for so long- be prepared; that's my opinion and official stance. I truly hope that Obama surprises me and things improve-however there is a reason I didn't vote for him.
I am also preparing for in-laws, lots of in-laws tomorrow. Having a baby reduces the amount of excuses I can use to not have to see these people often. Maybe I should have a better attitude, but for those of you who know the situation-you know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

I am so excited to go to the gas station lately. It makes me happy every time.