A quick thought...

Alright- so I'm not one to get on a soapbox when it comes to politics. But I believe that this presidential election will change the way this country runs, and strongly think that every voting person should look at all the issues, then make an informed decision. Too many people have bought into all the hype. I was emailed this website and I think you should take the time to answer the questions. It presents the candidates statements on different issues without telling you who said it. At the end it tells you who you agreed with and who you support on the different issues. No hype. No advertising. No media opinions. Just where you stand.


I was also emailed some interesting information on Sara Palin. No matter who you are voting for you've got to respect what she's doing.

Just picked up some little known info on Palin's National Security Credentials. Some have shrugged off her position as Commander of the Alaskan National Gaurd but see this:
"Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system. The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Gaurd is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks. It's on permanent active duty, unlike other Gaurd units. As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's. She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans. Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about. According the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our national security, because SHE ALREADY IS.

One last thought: pray for our troops, and please don't forget those fighting the wars in our communities that put their lives on the line everyday. Our police officers, fire fighters, and EMS personel.


Jenny H said...

Good thoughts...
I had a few thoughts about Sarah Palin also a while ago on my blog and got a really positive response. But, then again, we live in Utah:)
I am glad to see you up and blogging. It will be fun to see Hailey get bigger if only in pictures for a while.

Merle said...

Marilyn finally got around to letting me in on the big secret. Your blog site that is. It's terrific! I miss you guys but having a blog site with pictures is one good way for us to keep up with you all. Your baby is just cute cute cute!

I appreciated your comments on Gov. Palin and wonder why we haven't heard more of that in the news before now.

Oh, and the ABC matchlink was good too! I have been telling my girls for forever that they need to vote for the candidate that most closely reflects their values and beliefs and their views of what good Government should be and not be swayed just because they like the person. I told them all to take the test. As for me, I nailed it 100% for one candidate and I took a screen shot of it and emailed it as proof to all of them. Even Marilyn got a copy!

I love you folks and look forward to your next blog.

Uncle Merle J Whittaker III Jr. ESQ. etc.