Happy Birthday to me today! 28 years- seems like time flies by and yet stands still. Chris is gone to an EMS conference today in Florida. Yeah- gotta hate the paid trip to a condo at the beach. Too bad I couldn't go with him. I had to take Saint to the Vet today and deplete our savings account for absolutely no information. I almost just asked how much pink juice cost, but I just love the stinker too much.
We had a new couple from the ward over for dinner last night. They moved in just around the corner from us, so now they think we are their new best friends. Which is fine- but have you ever heard the expression too much too fast?! They are a sweet couple and am glad to have had a reason to have visitors.
My birthday plans for today? I'm being taken to lunch by some of the girls/ladies? in our ward that live here in town. Most of them are close to my age so we have alot in common, and they have been great in giving me help to get ready for baby. I also have some shopping planned for today. I'm not buying for baby today, just me. Other than that, I think I'll be at home eating some leftover birthday cake.

1 comment:

Jenny H said...

Happy Cinquo de Mayo, I mean Birthday! Have a great day, hope all is well, and wish you were closer.