No Pictures

If you have come to this site looking for pictures of our family...well don't expect any new ones anytime soon. I have lost my camera. I had it the other night after a quick post on fb of my crafty diaper cake...then haven't been able to find it since. I have my suspicions that Hailey has taken it off into a dark corner somewhere. But after turning the house upside down, I still don't know where it could be. I am hoping that I can convince Chris that I really NEED a $400.00 camera to take great pictures with. However, I have a feeling that won't go over well and that I will end up with a FUJI disposable. If you feel sorry for me you can donate to my cause ;) Christmas will be here in 11 paychecks!

1 comment:

M-K-H said...

I don't think I can wait until October (when I come to visit) to see more pictures of Hailey. Getting a disposable temporarily sounds like a good idea to me. Hope you find it soon, it'll probably be in a strange place.