Our Saint

Well-it's been a long emotional day for us. We put Saint down this morning and have spent the day burying him. Chris' brother and his wife let us find a beautiful spot for him on their property, and poor Chris is awful tired from having to dig a very big hole. Saint has been such a great dog and wonderful friend to us. We love him and I know some people think it's cheesy to be so torn up over a pet dying- but he really was more than a pet, he was family and we have loved having him in our lives. I've included some pictures that we love of Saint, and of his last day and his beautiful resting place (for all you mormons-it kinda looks like the sacred grove-don't you think?)


Jenny H said...

I'm sorry Joc. That is a sad thing. What a nice tribute for Saint.

Merle said...

It does seem funny at times that we can get so emotionally involved with our pets. I can't think of any time I was more torn up than when my dog had to finally be put down after 13 years. It was a pretty hard thing to do and I probably forced him to live in pain longer than I should have because it was so hard to let him go. What is really odd is that I am reliving that pain right now just thinking about it and I am getting all teary eyed. So let me just end here. I understand where you are coming from and you have my sympathy. I love you guys and miss seeing you all. It has been along time. Uncle Merle

Unknown said...

Like your site! Andrea