Who needs socks?

Hailey always starts the day with two socks on- but rarely makes it past lunch with even one on. We have lost more socks in stores and find them in the car on a regular basis. Today Hailey found a new use for them (since they aren't supposed to be on her feet). They make great teethers! What a weirdo! Definitely her daddy's girl.

Hailey had her 9 month check up yesterday. Dr. J was impressed that she hasn't had any "sick" visits between her check up appointments- we have been lucky that way. There weren't any shots at this appt thank goodness- but I was warned that her 12 month appointment is full of shots and finger pricks. Sounds like her daddy needs to go to that one! Hailey weighs 17 lbs 12 oz and has made it to the 14th percentile in weight and 40th percentile in height. She is steadily growing and getting more active -and loud- by the day!

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